A Place of Vanity, Seduction, and Immorality
Hellooo Everyone:
Often computers just want to be left alone, so they can go about their business in peace. Our computer often sighs with great effort when it tries to play videos, or cd's, because it is a cranky old broad. My sister's computer is a laptop named Clarence, and he is quite temperamental, and often shuts down for no reason, but he has an excellent music selection thanks to me. Computers often act as if they have internal souls, and sometimes I try to discern what is in their souls (I do the same thing with animals, especially cats), but only when I am high, which I am now. Thank you again to our gracious Mexican neighbours, who give us great things. Also they kind of pollute parts of our beach, but that is a whole other matter.
Right now our computer is acting as if its soul is polluted.
Well. Today when I came into work, I said, "Is Mahmoud here?" "Nooooo," said Armando in a low voice, and he made the sign of the cross many times as well as a lot of other religious gestures, and after a moment I joined him by raising my arms to heaven as if I was calling upon the Lord, because I figured it could not hurt, and also I was very high. Unfortunately our prayers did not work for long.
When Mahmoud was off yesterday, we all did as we pleased.
Often Ramin likes to ring the silver bell in the deli like a pissed-off customer just to try to piss off Mahmoud, and Mahmoud gets all crabby and says over the loudspeakers, "Ramin to the deli please, Ramin to the deli," even though Ramin is already there. Yesterday he did it many times, because he forgot that Mahmoud was not there.
Today in the deli I saw Ramin dancing like a rapper and I just said, "Wow," because it was a strange thing to see. Also I was high, and could not believe my eyes. "I need hummus, yo," Ramin said in an angry voice to Armando. "Dude, you shouldn't make demands in that tone," I said to Ramin in my stoner voice. "Whatever, yo," said Ramin. He was unrepentant.
Sometimes we talk about marriage, because even though I am almost 6 years older than him, he is married and I am not. "Dude, the thing about marriage is that it's just so permanent, and I'd worry that I'd get tired of someone," I said. "Not if you're in love, like we are," said Ramin. And I thought, "There is no talking reasonably with him on this matter."
Dude, there were some female followers of PLATO, and one even dressed like a man as well, because she felt like it.
These are the names I am considering for my cat that I am getting by the first of September (it is a special chart, because it is a matter of great thought and importance). Also all of the names are of historical or biblical or literary significance.
- The Holy Hildegard (if it is a female cat of a more meek spirit)
- Margery Kempe (if it is a white female cat, especially one who is a busybody and a religious groupie)
- Jugurtha (if it is a male of a certain character)
- Pythagoras (if it is a male)
- Barabbas (if it is a male who is black)
- Vesuvius (if it is a male)
- Jezebel (if it is a female of a certain character)
- Sapphira (if it is a female of a wicked character, because Sapphira and her husband
- Ananaias in the Bible (in the book of Acts) tried to cheat God, and they lied to the body of believers, and got struck dead as a result)
- Herodotus, Prometheus, Josephus, Beltashazzar (haaaa), or Xerxes (also if a boy)
- Beatrice or Agrippina, if it is an old broad cat.
A gospel is a universal thing.
The other day in the car, when we were stuck in a traffic jam in a Hispanic part of Chicago, I told my father that he was a patriarch. "Daughter, I am not even going to attempt to respond to that," he said, so then we talked about politics and female-to-male transsexuals and flamboyantly gay black men whose shoes are lavender snakeskin and match their pants (we met one in the lobby of our hotel the other night, and the next morning he was wearing a bright orange ensemble).
My father and I have a strange relationship. Also, when we were in the car on the way to the airport to fly to Chicago (I had to go to Evanston to look for an apartment, and I found one, and signed the lease, and it shall be glorious and I will frolic there with my cat and eat vegan food and write many papers), my father said, "San Diego is a place of VANITY, of SEDUCTION, and of IMMORALITY." But I did not laugh because he hates it when people laugh at matters of morality (but I laughed in my heart).
Today I saw Kamal cutting the heads off lots of trout. It made me a sad vegan. Once B-Scoot and Beth were standing on the upstairs fire escape of the apartment and I was smoking al-Waha tobacco from my hookah, because I felt like it (actually they sell hookahs at my workplace, because lots of Middle Easterners keep hookahs in their households just for decoration, since technically Muslims aren't supposed to smoke tobacco, but a lot of them do). And I ate an apple, but then I had no place to throw the core, and I did not want to just wantonly throw it onto the parking lot below, because that could be considered littering, which is something I abhor. But then Beth seized the apple core from me and threw it off the fire escape as far as she could, and I was afraid that people would see the apple core on the ground in the morning and blame it on me. "People always blame fruit incidents on the vegan," I told Beth and B-Scoot, "and I don't want to be held responsible for this."
And that is all. This has been a really long chronicle, because I have had many thoughts, and they have taken many paths.

Haaaaaa. These creatures are fucked UP.
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