Whoa, it's a High Email from the Sage, and your very own part of the Chronicle.
Hey guys, I'm really high, and this is a continuation of my chronicle, except it's typed instead of hand-written, because I can type faster than I can write, which allows the thoughts to flow more freely, and also it's a lot more legible, and also I'm typing because I CAN, because my father is not home (and my mother wouldn't recognize a high person if they bit her in the ASS).
"I must continue my scroll," I thought when I was in the shower after I had smoked some imported Mexican kindness from South of the Border (this shit was PRIME, and here in San Diego they sell it in 20's instead of eighths [because a twenty apparently is twenty dollars' worth, which is roughly the same amount as between an eighth and a quarter in the Midwest, but it's sold by those of the Latino persuasion so they don't necessarily use the U.S. measuring system], and also it is just plentiful like that here, because it comes from our Southern Neighbours, and its quality is prime to boot. In fact, it is Mexican hospitality at its finest).
Also it was so CHEAP because I got like over 2 oz for $90, and that is because it comes right from Tijuana, and this broad Zarema was trying to unload it because she had like half a pound and she was like, "Shit, I don't sling this shit, this is from some kid who wants me to unload it" (because sometimes she goes to Tijuana and gets it herself, and other times other people get it and she acquires it from them). It is a plentiful system.
Also there are mystical brown fish on our bathroom wallpaper, and I stood in the bathroom with the door closed and stared at them, and their scales gleamed in the light (seriously).
Things that I Abhor and Find Very Creepy:
- full-sized poodles
- ventriloquists, especially religious ones
- anyone on stilts, especially those patriotic Uncle Sam figures who walk around on stilts at
Fourth of July festivities
Today at work this guy Armando kept having to taste the taziki sauce, because it is his job to taste it right after Amina makes it and to judge whether or not it tastes right, but today each time he tried it, it still didn't taste right, even though Amina kept adding more cumbers or lemon juice or spices or yogurt to it, and finally after having to eat like 10 huge spoonfuls of it in a row he felt horribly ill and alarmed that it was the yogurt itself that was not right (as in SPOILED and GONE BAD), and not the flavourings at all.
And then later I saw him run to the trash can and almost throw up, but he didn't. "Whoa," I thought. "Armando's all ill. I guess that WAS some bad yogurt." And then we all believed along with him that the yogurt in the taziki sauce was bad, and we threw the batch away, and were not sorry.
Also all the men at work were all giddy today for no explainable reason, and the owner (who is a tall and skinny and slightly balding 45-year-old Jordanian man with a small head) was singing along to the background music in this high accented lady-voice, "And you'll break my heart, like I know you will..." and I just looked at him, because usually he is very dignified and kind of crabby, and I was not quite sure what to do, so I just kept putting away the dishes and tried to look like I had not heard that.
Then later I told Armando whad I had witnessed, and he kept looking at me in a confused and skeptical way and saying, "Mahmoud? You mean Mahmoud did that?" (because sometimes we miscommunicate and have to reiterate or clarify things because he is still working on his English, and I do not really know any Spanish except for PISO MOJADO and OYE [thanks to Janine]), and I kept assuring him that it was true, and finally he shook his head and said, "Maybe he sick. Everyone CRAZY today." Also the men (and they have names like Luis and Rameen and Kamal and Mazen) kept laughing hysterically and chattering very fast in Spanish or Arabic, and doing joyful cultural dances and singing joyful cultural songs. It was perplexing, and Armando and I did not know what to make of it. And he kept shaking his head because he still felt ill.
Whoa. That was a really long email. I apologize if it does not make any sense. That is because, as I mentioned earlier, I am quite high on renowned Mexican goodness, and until last night I had not smoked since May 18th, and it is quite great.
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